This was clearly deeply researched and thoughtfully made, with a detailed, immersive historical flavor, but there were near-constant random tense changes, from past to present to past to present, often within the same paragraph. It was distracting. Tense would often change six or seven times within the same scene--and I mean actions that were happening in the "present" of the story sometimes got present tense and sometimes past tense, at random.
The other issue was that there was very little interactivity for long stretches of the story. Id frequently have to flip through 10 or more pages of story before getting any kind of involvement in making a choice, even a minor one. This is a creative decision, I guess, but it makes the story very dry and isnt what I expect from a choice game.
But please fix at least one of these two problems (I guess the tense might be easier)! I enjoyed the story otherwise. If it were more of a choice-driven game, the tense issue would be forgivable because Id be more involved in the narrative, and if the tenses were fixed, the lack of choice would be more forgivable, but these two major problems in combination meant that I was forced to sit and read long tracts of a novel that hadnt been carefully proofread, which... isnt that fun.
okchickadee about Lords of Aswick